Let your nails tell your story. With a professional remodel from us, we will transform your nails into a real statement with an elegant natural remodel.
We use high-quality products to shape your gel nails according to your wishes and needs. Re-modeling is an effective way to strengthen and lengthen your natural nails. This treatment takes between 90 and 150 minutes and lasts up to 4 weeks if properly maintained. Regular topping up, approximately every 3-5 weeks, will ensure that your gel nails always look well-groomed and stylish.
Make an appointment now for your new modeling and enjoy the attention that your freshly modeled nails will attract. Give your hands that special something and let them shine in new splendor.
Make sure that a nail extension should not be longer than the nail bed itself to prevent diseases. In addition, you should only have such activities performed by professionals to prevent the nail bed from loosening due to incorrect products or improper modeling nail.